The Lab
On The Lab, I was a scripter/level/systems Designer. With it being a solo project, my duties included:
Designing and laying the entire gameplay level out
Creating basic level assets
Scripted multiple colored lasers with different effects for each
Scripted laser de-activation pedestals
Scripted multiple color gems to allow player to interact with pedestals
Created reactor assets
Created final weapon asset
Player Spawn
Level Design
Fallen Truck
First Laser Trap
Storage Room
Second Laser Trap
Sleeping Quarters
Third Laser Trap
Miniature Reactor and gems
Reactors Meltdown room
Scientists Cabin
Final weapon escape
Red Lasers
Blue Lasers
Level Mechanics
Purple Lasers
Red Laser Trap
Level Mechanics
Blue Laser Trap
Combo Trap
Red Reactor Trap Section
Full Video Playthrough
Blue Reactor Trap Section